Lithium Complex Grease is extreme pressure type multipurpose grease, formulated with lithium complex thickener, designed for heavy duty industrial application and providing excellent resistance against corrosion, heavy load and shock load on bearing, and also humid, moisturize condition at water closed locations. This grease provides excellent adhesive capability and therefore can not be easily removed from bearing surfaces.

Product Description

Lithium Complex Grease adalah gemuk serbaguna tipe tekanan ekstrem, diformulasikan dengan pengental kompleks lithium, dirancang untuk aplikasi industri tugas berat dan memberikan ketahanan yang sangat baik terhadap korosi, beban berat dan beban kejut pada bantalan, dan juga kondisi lembab dan lembab di lokasi yang tertutup air. Gemuk ini memberikan kemampuan rekat yang sangat baik dan karenanya tidak mudah dilepaskan dari permukaan bantalan.

Cocok digunakan pada bantalan suhu tinggi, bantalan kendaraan, dan onderdil mobil.


  1. Sangat tahan terhadap air, oksidasi dan kelembaban udara.
  2. Cegah keausan, karat dan korosi.
  3. Cocok untuk aplikasi dalam mengoperasikan beban dan suhu tinggi.
  4. Tekanan tinggi, beban kejut yang tidak teratur.
  5. Umur panjang untuk bagian yang dilumasi dan biaya perawatan yang rendah.


Lithium Complex Grease is extreme pressure type multipurpose grease, formulated with lithium complex thickener, designed for heavy duty industrial application and providing excellent resistance against corrosion, heavy load and shock load on bearing, and also humid, moisturize condition at water closed locations. This grease provides excellent adhesive capability and therefore can not be easily removed from bearing surfaces.

Suitable use in high temperature bearing, vehicle bearing, and auto parts.


  1. Excellent resistance against water, oxidation and air moisture.
  2. Prevent wear, rust and corrosion.
  3. Suitable for application in operating high loadn and temperature.
  4. High pressure, irregular shocking loads.
  5. Long life for the lubricated parts and low maintenance costs.
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